Why your marketing sucks


My children have stopped watching TV. I never thought I’d see the day. Just a a year or two ago, they would have been happier losing an arm or even a leg rather than not being glued on a semi-permanent basis to the goggle box.
The reason for the change? They’re too busy doing other things. Healthy sports? Interesting hobbies? I wish. No, they’re busy with much more interesting things. Online games, social media and messaging their friends, to name a few. 
At the same time, I’ve stopped buying newspapers and magazines – the paper ones, I mean. But I haven’t stopped reading newspapers and magazines. It’s just that I now read them online, mostly for free.
All of which says a lot about the sea-change that is occurring in the news, communication and entertainment industries that’s giving the business of marketing a shake-up.

Alcohol addiction social media campaign
At this point I must confess I have without shame or apology borrowed the title for this article from the book Your Marketing Sucks by Mark Stevens. I liked the title because it’s ballsy and immediately identifies a need and, for many franchise owners and other business people, a sore point. That’s why many of the people who purchased the book from Amazon.com and then posted a review on the site said the title was the reason they bought the book.
Let’s face it, it got your attention, otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far, right?
But the dusty old Marketing 101 textbook tells us that for marketing to be effective it needs to go further than that. It’s not enough to simply identify a sore point. You’ve got to make an offer that promises to solve the problem. Then your product or service, plus the way you deliver and price that product or service, must all live up to the promise – or you’re never going to get the opportunity to cross-sell and upsell and keep that customer for life, marketing's ultimate aim.

And that’s where Your Marketing Sucks falls down. 

In fact, the title may not suck but the book does, according to the majority of the Amazon reviewers, who gave it just one star out of five. They complained that the book never delivered on the offer implicit in the title that it would show them why their marketing sucks and what to do about it. Although most agreed with the book’s main premise – that when you don’t start with a plan or strategy and don’t have a way to track results, you may as well be throwing your money away – they were clearly disappointed to find that the book isn’t a ‘how to’ guide containing lots of great ideas they could use and a step-by-step guide to creating the ideal marketing system.

The problem that Mark Stevens and every other marketing book author faces is that marketing is changing so fast that it just isn’t possible to provide ‘how to’ guides that won’t go out of date in five minutes. More and more modern marketing doesn’t even look like marketing.

Let me give you an example. You may have been wondering why the two photos above and the one below don’t seem to have any relevance to the text of this article. 

The reason is that they were part of a marketing campaign that was cleverly designed not to look like a marketing campaign. In fact, it was designed to look like social media posts from a young French woman called Louise Delage. Her life seemed glamorous and beautiful, and in a very short time she had tens of thousands of followers on Instagram. But a little over a month after her debut, the truth was revealed. 

There was no Louise Delage. The woman was an actor. 

You’ll notice that in every one of the ‘glamour’ posts, she has a glass in her hand. That’s because this was actually a campaign about alcohol addiction, conceived by a Paris advertising agency for an organisation called Addict Aide. At 2017’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, it was among the most-awarded campaigns.

The Man in the Hathaway Shirt advertising campaign

Using actors and fictional characters in advertising isn’t new, of course. In this ad for Hathaway Shirts from 1951, legendary adman David Ogilvy came up with the idea on a whim of putting an eye-patch on the otherwise perfectly-sighted model. It worked. It added what Ogilvy called ‘story appeal’. “It made Hathaway instantly famous,” he later said. “Perhaps, more to the point, it made me instantly famous.”

Does your marketing have story appeal? Does it tell your story in a way that has meaning for your potential customers? If not, that could be the reason your marketing sucks. 

The difference between the Hathaway Shirts campaign and the ‘Like My Addiction’ campaign is, of course, that the former appeared in paid advertising whereas the latter was posted ‘for free’ on Instagram.  But was it really free? The marketing agency invested heavily in bots and influencers to build Louise Delage’s followers rapidly. And Instagram was the ideal medium for their target market of under-25s. 

But what if your target market is not so internet-savvy?
Trouble is, the internet and social media have become more addictive to marketers than alcohol. That's caused many who are normally quite smart to have become so swept up by the whole Web thing that they’ve abandoned reason completely and chosen to ditch their traditional marketing for the new media. 

Big mistake. Immediately, their marketing has started to suck.
That’s because although the internet and the electronic world seem ubiquitous, they’re not. One out of every two people is still watching good old-fashioned telly. No Netflix for us, thank you very much. More than 1.6 million New Zealanders are still turning to traditional paper newspapers every day and more than 1 million watch ONE News or 3 News every night. These people may also be rubbing two sticks together to cook their dinner, but they are still the majority.

Online marketing has yet to replace traditional media

Having said that, it is another big mistake to dismiss the Web as a fad and simply continue to market your business as you always have. That sucks because the internet still offers some outstanding opportunities to reach your target market more cost effectively than tradition media. In fact, pay-per-click marketing services such as Google Adwords and Facebook are a marketer’s dream because you only pay for results and you can monitor the success of every campaign in real time, using analytics to enhance your campaign and build on your success.
If your marketing sucks – and it probably does, simply because it is virtually impossible for even the most savvy marketer to keep up with the ever-changing smorgasbord of marketing developments and opportunities out there – we invite you to contact us for a free Initial Consultation on how we can help you. 
Our services include: 
  • marketing strategy, planning, creative and programmes - including web marketing, social media marketing and mobile marketing
  • franchise consultancy, feasibility, start-ups, support and improvement
  • business consultancy, strategy, planning, support and improvement

Robin La Pere no ordinary business and franchise consultant

I'm Robin La Pere, no ordinary marketing  consultant. I started my career in advertising as a copywriter and creative director. That led to an interest in marketing strategy, and after completing a university qualification at MBA level, I became a senior marketer in the banking, property and retail sectors. 

Today, I help people like you to navigate the ever-changing world of marketing with a real focus on achieving results and a solid return on investment. 

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